Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Diabeasity QQC

"One of my patients, 16-year old Max who weighed close to 300 pounds, told me that he drank a 6 pack of sweetened soda every day."

He's on the football team, and he's at school from early in the morning to late in the evening. How he even has time to drink that many sodas is beyond me. He says later on in the article that he drinks them before classes and then later one at home, and that he didn't buy water because they didn't sell it at school. The fountain water is brownish, and not appealing, so he went with 6 sodas every day instead.
The article is talking about how it's inconvenient for families on the go/who have busy schedules to take the time to prepare a good meal, or something healthy. But really, in the long term side of things, I think that should be a priority. Sure, you may have a busy schedule, and every once in a while you may not be able to prepare a lunch from home or buy something healthy, but think of how unhealthy that is for your body in the long run.
On top of that, buying water in bulk and just taking two or three to school every day might actually save money. It would certainly save on medical and dental costs in the long run.

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